Friday, June 27, 2014

Week 1&2 of Marathon Training

Lots of running happening over here, and I'm so very happy about it!

Marathon training commenced almost 3 weeks ago. I'm using the Anothermotherrunner Training plan and so far it's going well.  

Week 1 training: I was able to get all the runs in, and felt good doing it. 
M 3 mi + 4 strides
T 3 mi
W yoga and strength
Th 4 mi
S 8 mi
Total 18 miles 
I'm making a conscious effort to include yoga and strength work atleast once a week. Runners world website has an awesome recovery yoga 20 min workout that if time and kids allow I like doing post run. My right Ichilies and arch is still bugging me just a little I've been trying to ice and massage and compress the darn thing. I hurt that pre half marathon. It's just tight right now, but I don't want it getting worse. 

Week 2: Also able to get all the workouts in this week and I used the Lighthouse Run 10 miller race as my 10 mile training run on Saturday. Makes putting in the miles more enjoyable.
M 4 mi
T yoga/strength/6 mi bike
W 6 mi
F 3.1 mi
S 10 mi lighthouse run 1:35:23 not bad 
Total 23 miles
I had work this week and my kids did sleep well at all. It made for some painful work shifts and runs. I got the miles in, but it was mind over matter especially on Saturday. My kids were both up in the middle of the night. I think I got 4 hours for the 2nd night in a row. I think I could've been faster for my race if I'd been well rested. There's the rub with being a working mom. I'm never well rested. 

I'm into week 3 now and so far so good, But this darn Ichilies is still bugging me so I may be taking the rest of the wknd off and trying to rest and ice. I figure one long run won't ruin things. We will see how I feel tomorrow.

I'm working on a race recap! How's running going for you? Any recent races?
 Ice ice baby 

1 comment:

  1. Great job training! Sorry to hear you are having Achilles problems. Do you also have tight calves? That usually causes my Achilles to be sore. Hope they heal quickly!
