Thursday, March 28, 2013

teething, a 3 mile run, and work

My sweet baby is 14 months and working on his molars youch!! It is a miserable experience for everyone! Of course he has it the worst. This morning, my rest day, sweet baby woke up waaaay early was fussy all morning and the only thing that made him happy was playin in the mud.

I bring up the waking at the ass crack of dawn because my work schedule is kind of insane and requires long hours stayin up way later than I would when not working and I needed this rest day. It didn't work well for me. The joys of being a mom. I work 7 10 hour shifts in a row then I have a week off. It has its pluses and minuses but the further into pregnancy I get the more painful it is. I need extra sleep, I need extra time. I don't get it.

Yesterday I had a great workout OUTSIDE!! I ran 3 miles happily and comfortably, Unfortunantly I had a very busy day at work and didn't really get to sit down at all. Cramping ensued and exhaustion. Today with the early wake up and fussy baby I'm suffering.

I love being a mom and I love my sweet baby. Days like today and yesterday I try to repeat how lucky I am to be a mom, to be able to spend time with him before work. I'm greatful that I'm still running at almost 15 weeks and that I have a great job. Sometimes when life gets a little tough it pays to remind myself of all the good things. It doesn't make the day go quicker, but it makes it a little easier.

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