First things first look what my dear sweet husband got me for Mother's Day!! He does listen and it was wonderful to receive. I think it made me run faster :)
Proudly showing off my race bib. I was so nervous for this race. I was worried that with the little one I am carrying around I wouldn't feel good maybe I would have to walk a ton. I really wanted to feel good during this race, prove to myself that all this training and working hard throughout this pregnancy so far could in fact come together in a great race. Well guess what...I felt great and the race was wonderful!!
We arrived 30 minutes early. I was a little nervous about getting there with enough time to hit up the porta-pot, something that this runner finds necessary before all races. I didn't know what kind of crowd to expect. This was a really well organized race. It wasn't a huge race, but there was definitely an awesome turnout. Plenty of bathrooms and the course was awesome. Also the post run food was delicious and healthy!
I lined up at the start line with all the other mother runners and it felt great just to be among them. How inspiring. I looked ahead of me and what did I see...another mother runner race bib. Wish I had a pic, but it was super cool that someone else did the same training as I did and was running the same race. Small world. The even cooler part. I caught up to here right before the finish and told her we did the same plan and congrats!
The first mile was a little chilly, it was pretty windy, but we headed into the woods and the scenery was beautiful. At one point we were running across a skinny gangplank type bridge and it was bouncing up and down. Pretty crazy feeling. The first mile was my slowest but still in the 9 minute mile range. I felt great and didn't feel like walking at all. Mile 2 had one hill in it which wasn't that bad. Otherwise it was a flat course. I started to get a little hot and was glad when I saw the water station. I hit in the 9 min mile range again for mile 2!! I was pumped!! I had thought I may walk in mile 3, but I kept thinking I only have a mile left, I am almost done already why bother with walking. I didn't walk at all!! and I broke the half hour mark while pregnant. PREGNANT PR!!!!!
Here is my proud badass mother runner pregnant self holding onto my bibs. I felt great!!!
The best part was I had my cheering section. My sweet baby boy and my husband were there cheering me on. What a motivation! I'm so happy by this race. I proved to myself that I can run races pregnant, I can feel good doing it. It gives me further motivation to keep running for as long as possible, hopefully until the day I deliver. It also makes me excited for the races I want to run post pregnancy.
To make my Mothers Day even better the next day I found out I am having a little girl. :) I have a son already and was thinking I was having another. Not so. Huge girlie bomb was dropped on me. I hope to be a role model for her. For both my kids.
Happy running :)