Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Runday

This lovely workday started out early.  630 am and I here my son through the monitor.  Oy I would've liked another hour at least, but you make do with what you have.  I went and got him from the crib and made coffee.  Priorities people.  LOVE MY COFFEE and my kid :)  We ate breakfast and looked at the weather.  Hm 85 and humid by noon, currently 70 ok lets go running kiddo.  So I saddled up the BOB and headed out.  I took quite a few walk breaks today.  The air felt a lot like pee soup.  We did a good 3 miles and I decided its time to try out some prenatal yoga.  Now I know that yoga has a lot of benefits for runners, and I really want to get more into it.  I admit though when time gets tight running is the only thing that doesn't get cut.  I did 30 minutes of the 50 minute video before E had had enough and wanted to be in his mommy's lap pronto.
Ya know what I kinda dig it.  Gotta try to do it at least once a week.
Love my Sparklysoul headbands.  They sparkle and they stick to your head.  The only headband that ever has.  I also rocked my new active accessories tank.  It is stretchy and my belly was pretty comfortable in it. 
Just a cute pic of my sweet kitten.  I am a farm girl and this is one of the new additions.  I haven't decided on a name yet.  What do you think???  Its a boy. 
Off to work from 1230-11pm.  I think I need another cup of coffee. 
Hope you all enjoy your run today!

1 comment:

  1. That kitten is what brought me here. LOL! Sorry! Too adorable! I have three kitties and always forget how small kittens are. :) I have a kitten name, but it's more girlie: Idris. But he's such a sweetie! You can have my kitty names: Higgenbaffum or Pooka.
