Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and over the weekend I decided I needed a new challenge and signed up for the Best Body Bootcamp 8 week summer session. I haven't decided yet at 26 weeks pregnant if this is more crazy or more awesome. Probably a bit of both. :)
Today was day 1 and my arms are definitely sore!! I decided to go with the beginners workouts that are still hard as heck, but I felt since I've been lifting weights but not following any specific program and definitely been intermittent with it that it would be smarter for myself and my baby to stick with the beginner option this time around. I think once I have this sweet child I will be doing this again to get back into shape and kicking it into high gear. Right now its about gaining some strength, but mostly to maintain my fitness and feel stronger rather than lose weight or get faster or lift more weights.
I want to feel good about myself, and I want to carry my fitness journey through the rest of this pregnancy. I am proud to have made it to 26 weeks. 14 to go!!!
Gotta get in the bump shot!! Run happy everyone!
You are amazing! You are going to be in great shape to give birth to that lucky baby and then you'll have the tools to get back into shape! I'll be doing my first workout tonight after work!